To get the look of the top photo you have to layer a "normal" colored photo on top of a sepia layered photo. (See sidebar for the last Photoshop Fun lesson on Super Sepia.)
The amazing thing about Photoshop is that you can stack as many layers on top of one another as you like. Imagine each layer as being a transparency.
So pick a photo you like and go to Layer>Duplicate Layer> OK
Now in the Layer palette you will see two versions of the same photo. highlight one of these layers and make it sepia by hitting Control U on your keyboard. Your photo should immediately change. You can also play with the Opacity in the upper right of the Layer palette. In this manner you can decrease the intensity a bit.
I think that it gives my upper photo a nostalgic 70's feel. I put up the regular colored photo beneath it for comparison.
Have fun trying it out!